Sunday, May 20, 2012

Setting Our Sights

Who of us, to some extent or another, 
 does not "set our sights" on something

a destination, 
a goal, 
a vision for the future, 
the next major event? 

Plans and dreams and expectations help to keep us moving, keep us "ticking", keep us motivated.  

For myself, after a major event or goal is realized, there's a momentary let down...a "now what?" moment...a need for re-setting our sights for the next thing. I remember, as a child, experiencing a feeling of disorientation when my dear aunt's long-awaited visit had come to a close and she left us. I hardly knew what to do with myself... "Now, what do I look forward to?"  

We have all experienced the disappointment that comes when something for which we had planned, prepared and expected  fell through. For whatever reason, the thing we had hoped for and worked towards fizzled.  At 55 years, I can look back on a great many of those times. (Of course, I can also look back and realize that God's "detours" proved the best way!) 

So, how do we stay grounded in the schemes and dreams of our lives? How do we stay focused? Balanced? Content? I believe the answer is found in these profound words in Colossians 3, verse 2:

"Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."

The previous verse states: "Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God."

It certainly isn't wrong to make plans and work towards them. But, we need to keep the end in view. Whether our earthy aspirations are realized or not is of little importance in the bigger picture. We need to live our lives in a way that prepares us for the grandest scheme that ever was, that final destination that will last an eternity.  That "view" will help us keep a proper perspective while we "occupy til He comes"...

If we seek and set our affection (minds) on those things that glorify God, we will not be disappointed when that time comes.

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