I can almost still feel it . The quiet. The stillness. The solitude. It was refreshing, healing, and rejuvenating; and incredibly overdue.
Mark 6:31 says "And He said to them, 'Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while.' (For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.)"
My daughter invited me to use her living-room as a "secluded place" one day last week. I made sure that things were in order at my house and chores set in motion before gathering up my Bible, notebook, pencils, devotional book, and rag rug bag. Oh, yes, I had a tray of healthy drinks and snacks, too. (I left my phone behind, on purpose.) Before settling comfortably into my old rocking chair and nursing stool, I opened the front door to take advantage of the cool-ish morning breeze. At first it felt strange, not to be beckoned by the dishes, laundry, vacuuming and life that comes with mothering four boys. Then, I remembered and rejoiced that I wasn't just alone, I was alone with God!
Because it was so incredibly quiet, I could not only hear my own breathing and heartbeat, I could hear His!
I heard Him in the soft breeze, humming bugs, and joyful birds. I saw Him in the drifting clouds, waving grass, verdant trees and especially in the courageous bright orange Cosmos blooming near the steps. I felt Him in the air that touched my skin and entered my lungs. As I strained to listen to the void, my own thoughts and my own heartbeat became evident.
And, then He spoke. Nothing in audible words, mind you. He spoke to my heart. It was His Holy Spirit soothing the heartaches, calming the fears, smoothing the frettings, organizing my thoughts of duty, enlarging the love-chambers of my heart, and bringing understanding to my soul.
The time spent in prayer, Bible-reading, note-taking, thinking, eating, drinking and rag-rugging was not measured in minutes. I have no idea how long I was there. Eventually, I knew it was time to return to the fray; but indulging myself in His presence gave me strength.
His grace is sufficient.
Perhaps we take the Psalmists' verse out of context. Nevertheless, I plan to repeat the experience of "being still and knowing that He is God" more often.